Academics & Course of Study

Academic Core

List of 1 items.

  • Our Mission and Core Values in Action

    Burr and Burton Academy’s mission is to educate students intellectually and morally for a life of responsibility, integrity and service. Burr and Burton delivers on its mission through its core values:
    • Engaging, vigorous academic experiences;
    • Respect for individual differences;
    • The highest standards of performance and behavior;
    • A mindset of perseverance and reflection;
    • A supportive and caring community;
    • Joy and a love of learning.

The Academic Core

The Burr and Burton Academic Program is guided by its mission and core values and has three components:

Throughlines: The Burr and Burton Spires

Subject-Centered Objectives

  • Read for academic purposes and for pleasure. 
  • Construct meaning collectively and individually through speaking, listening, reading, and writing in a variety of genres.
  • Explore and better understand diverse perspectives of the world through reading, speaking, writing and listening.
  • Practice mindfulness and metacognition through reflective writing and journaling.
  • Read and create strong arguments. 

  • Collaborate and communicate using mathematical reasoning.
  • Employ different mathematical approaches to problems, think critically, and persist through challenges to solve them. 
  • Use technology as an aid to facilitate mathematical work and the exploration of data, probability and statistics in real-world applications. 

  • Ask testable questions, conduct investigations, and analyze data to draw meaningful conclusions. 
  • Apply biological, chemical, and physical principles to create models, conduct lab-based inquiries, and tackle novel questions.
  • Develop data literacy and critical thinking skills to make informed decisions about health and environmental issues that affect both personal and community well-being.  
  • Present findings and communicate them effectively. 

Social Studies
  • Use history and social science skills and content to understand 
    • one's identity
    • different cultures/perspectives
    • current global issues in our interdependent world.
  • Locate, evaluate, and use diverse academic resources to construct evidence-based arguments.
  • Understand and exercise rights and responsibilities within a democratic society. These include inclusivity and belonging for all members of society.

World Languages
  • Demonstrate level-appropriate proficiency in interpersonal, interpretive and presentational communication. 
  • Demonstrate level-appropriate cultural competency. 

Visual Arts
  • Plan, create/prototype, present, and respond to/reflect on art that one sees and makes.
  • Connect art to historical and cultural contexts.

Media and Performing Arts
  • Engage in the creative, collaborative process of making art with social impact.
  • Strengthen creative skills through the study of craft and technique.

Physical Education/Wellness
  • Develop strategies and interpersonal skills to cultivate emotional wellbeing.
  • Employ healthy behaviors and physical activity to promote life-long wellness, enjoyment, self-expression, and positive social interaction.

Computing/Digital Exploration
  • Explore new and emerging technologies/interact with computers to create original products and solve problems.

Essential Experiences

Integrative, immersive learning experience;*
Service to the school and to the greater community;*  
Presentations/Exhibitions/Demonstrations of Learning;
Participation in activities/experiences that lead to personal wellness;
Participation in activities/experiences that contribute to and cultivate a culture of belonging. 

* required for graduation

Ready to take the next step?

Burr and Burton Academy does not discriminate against any person or group on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), ancestry, national origin, place of birth, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, political affiliation or marital status in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. Any person having inquiries concerning the school's compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or other federal or state nondiscrimination laws or regulations is directed to The Headmaster's Office, Burr and Burton Academy, Manchester, VT 05254. Burr and Burton complies with all applicable state and federal nondiscrimination statutes, including the Vermont Public Accommodations Act (9 V.S.A. Chapter 139), the Vermont Fair Employment Practices Act (21 V.S.A. Chapter 5, Subchapter 6) and Vermont State Board of Education rules 2226.6 and 2229.1.