School News

A Beautiful Day for Wellness at the Mountain Campus!

On Monday, Wellness classes participated in a full day of wellness programming at the BBA Mountain Campus. More than 80 9th graders spent the entire day up on the mountain participating in wellness-focused workshops with faculty. 
On Monday, Wellness classes participated in a full day of wellness programming at the BBA Mountain Campus. More than 80 9th graders spent the entire day up on the mountain participating in wellness-focused workshops with faculty. 

Through a morning and afternoon rotation, students moved through four workshops, ranging from healthy snacks preparation in the kitchen with Wellness teacher Erin Harris and Wilderness First Aid with Mountain Campus Advisor Jon Hammond to natural tie dyeing with Target Program teacher Claire Isherwood, fire building with Science teacher Rebecca Allen, and Andy Goldworthy-inspired natural creations with Art teacher Mel Virgilio.

This fall the Mountain Campus has been humming with BBA students experiencing orientations, integrative seminars, and leadership training. Look out for more exciting integrative learning programs at the Mountain Campus coming up!

Photos by Jon Hammond and Mel Virgilio. 

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