
Congratulations to Tom von Allmen on National Board Certification and work on a new blended learning course for teachers

For the past two years, in addition to teaching social studies courses and Model UN, leading Model UN trips, and coaching the varsity Ultimate team, Tom von Allmen has also been hard at work on National Board Certification. 

National Board Certification is a voluntary, advanced teaching credential that recognizes accomplished educators based on their expertise and effectiveness. The process is rigorous and involves creating a portfolio of student work, video recordings of teaching, written reflection,and a series of assessments that test content knowledge. 
One component of von Allmen’s certification was an examination of generative AI and its, as he put it, “possibilities and pitfalls in the classroom.” A topic on many educators' minds, von Allmen’s research earned him an invitation to contribute to a National Education Association (NEA) blended learning course that offers professional development for educators. In late January, von Allmen traveled to Virginia to work with ten teachers from around the country on an AI in the Classroom blended learning course.

“We should talk about [AI in the classroom] and try to learn what we can as we develop policies . . . It was really interesting to be part of the process and hear how other teachers are using these tools.”

The blended learning course that von Allmen has contributed to will be available this summer for educators around the country to participate in. 

Ready to take the next step?

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