
Standardized Test Prep Class for Registered Juniors

Founders Hall - Learning Space F113 - F113
BBA will once again offer a spring standardized test prep class. The eight+ hour test prep course is taught by an outside tutor, Brian Marohnic of High End Test Prep. Brian will join us in person from Middlebury this year. The cost of the Test Prep course is supplemented by BBA and costs families $100. Fee reductions are available for eligible students and they should see their counselors for more info. 

Sign-up must be completed by January 21. 

Sessions will take place on Wednesday mornings from 8 a.m. - 9 a.m. in Founders Hall First Floor Neighborhood (Classroom 113). Sessions will take place on the following dates:
  • Jan. 15, 22, 29
  • Feb. 12, 26
  • March 5, 19, 26

If you have questions please see Mrs. Kohler

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