Bulldog Leadership Retreat September 15th

Dave Miceli
We are excited about our 9th annual, student-led retreat on Sunday, September 15th. The goal of the Bulldog Leadership Summit is to create a community of student leaders who use their influence as leaders to transform the culture of Burr and Burton so that integrity, selflessness, and respect for everybody is embraced.

We aim to inspire students to lead through character, accountability, and adding value to others. Past retreats have been a huge success with more than 100 students gathered annually to learn about and discuss leadership. We hope to see your student there. Our students leaders have been working to prepare an exciting day. The leadership retreat will take place from 8:00am-2:00pm at BBA in Founders Hall. The retreat is open to all students. Students should register HERE using their BBA student email account. For more information contact cherrington@burrburton.org or dmiceli@burrburton.org.