News Detail

Check out the 2025-26 Course of Study!

The Burr and Burton 2025-26 Course of Study is out, and it features exciting updates to the academic program--see pages two and three to learn more about Throughlines, Subject-Centered Objectives, and Essential Experiences--as well as a host of new courses, including new two-credit, half-day courses offered at the BBA Mountain Campus (see the Mountain Campus highlight in this newsletter).
Students will begin signing up for next year's courses after February break, so this is a great time to check out what's available.

The 2025-26 Course of Study is now live in the Academics section of the website, and here is the link directly to the digital, flippable page version. Advisors and School Counselors will have a limited number of hard copies. Happy planning!

Ready to take the next step?

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