Founders Hall is Taking Shape

Last Thursday under a clear blue sky, a small group from Burr and Burton was lucky to tour the framework of Founders Hall. Wearing hard hats and reflective vests, the group, including Headmaster Mark Tashjian, Director of Advancement Kate Leach, Advancement Events Coordinator Pauline de Laszlo, Rowland Project Owner's Representative Ken Glasier and Heidi Lynn P’06 P’08--daughter of the late Wendy and Barry Rowland, whose generous support made the project possible--took advantage of warm weather and made their way through the framing of this visionary project.

The space that is quietly taking shape behind the Seminary building will redefine the Burr and Burton campus, placing the iconic and historic Seminary building directly at the center, and offering innovative learning spaces for Humanities courses and the STEAM lab.  Both Tashjian and Leach noted the impressive size and layout of the classrooms, “On the bottom right of the ground floor there’s the framing of the future STEAM lab and maker space--a large open space for kids to get hands on with science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics.” Leach remarked, “It’s beautiful.”

Before touring the top floor, the group paused to watch one of the timber frame cross pieces that will support the main atrium set in place: Lynn, Tashjian, and Leach watched as the crew carefully fit the timber into place. 

When the group moved onto the top floor, they were impressed by the effect of the architectural design.  Leach marveled, “The Belltower Room, the front of the building that reflects back on the Seminary, will frame our most iconic structure right in these glorious windows with the mountains and the valley behind. The effect will be spectacular.”

Tashjian also left the tour excited and impressed: “The reality is even more amazing,” he said,  “Sometimes these beautiful renderings leave you disappointed afterwards, but in this case I think it’s going to be even better than I could have possibly hoped.”

The construction team, working in tandem with head architect Kyle Murphy ‘07, expects the building to be completed in June of 2021 and the courtyard connecting Founders Hall to the Seminary Building will likely be finished a few months later in September.